Our Story

Photo above is our special Aunt Gloria and Uncle Loren Vader
Gloria’s father Ben Cenarrusa came to Idaho in 1917
at the age of 17, he was a sheepherder in Idaho.
He meets Gloria’s mother Mary Aspiasu at the Soloaga
Shoshone Basque Boarding House. They were married in 1934.
Her father had 3 brothers.
Pete Cenarrusa who moved to Richfield ID. Joe Cenarrusa who moved to Hailey ID.
Immanuel Cenarrusa who stayed in Spain.
Her father's family became big sheep ranchers in Carey Idaho.
Gloria's cousin Pete Cenarrusa was Secretary of State of Idaho.
He has done a lot to preserve the Basque history-language and culture in Idaho.
Basque Shepherd's Prayer
Heaven won't be so lonely if what I hear is true.
If a little lamb of God is there, or some old friendly ewe
In these celestial pastures Beside still waters deep
May the eternal future find this Basque
with a little band of SHEEP.
In Loving Memory of our Special Aunt Gloria
May 13,1936 -Aug 22, 2016
Kim's grandfather being an old-time sheep sheerer.
and his wonderful Aunt Gloria being Basque and from
a family of sheep herders,
inspires him to build sheep wagons.
The family's history inspires him to keep the sheep camps and family traditions alive.
Kim has been a craftsman for the
past 50 years
Kathy for past 49 years
Building and creating are their number one passion.
Their Home is in Idaho.
Kim's Family has lived here since early 1900'S.

Photo above is Harvey Vader
Harvey Vader is the father.
of Orval Vader (Kim’s dad) he came to
Idaho in 1903
And started working with his cousin Roy Vader in 1914
Roy owned a large sheep ranch with thousands of sheep in Hagerman Idaho.
He helped in lambing, trailing sheep through Ketchum ID.
And became champion sheep sheer in state of Montana 6 years in an arrow.
Roy ‘s daughter Alice Vader married a Henslee and still today Alice's son Jim Henslee wife Kathy and their two sons Mark and Mike have a sheep ranch in Hagerman Idaho.
Kim's Dad- Mom Pink and Bonnie Vader
Clyde Nieder is the father of Bonnie Vader
(Kim’s Mother) he was a sheep rancher in Eastern Idaho.
Clyde was proud of his herd and always purchased his bucks from
Dubois Idaho Sheep Station.
And in the spring, he would move his sheep to summer range at Island Park & Big Springs, then back to Mud Lake.
Bonnie would set in the lambing sheds with her father watching and caring for them. ..
Each wagon is built from the ground up.
We Have a Passion for Preserving Family History and Memories
We been building sheep wagons since 2007.
as of June 2024, we have built 100 camps.
Idaho Sheep Camp
Is All About Family
Craftsmen Kim and Kathy Vader